Totem Scaffolding Oxfordshire


Totem Scaffolding are a well-established and growing scaffolding company based in Oxfordshire. We built their previous website a number of years ago and, in the intervening time, the company has grown substantially and contacted us regarding a new site that would reflect the nature of the expanded organisation.


Totem Scaffolding Oxfordshire - mobile version of site

This project was another productive and enjoyable collaboration with Nikki from Designs Like These. Nikki designed the site and we, at AttractMore, built, tested and implemented it. Like the previous site, this does not use a Content Management Systems such as WordPress, as the client did not anticipate making changes themselves.

The phone number found on many of the pages includes code to detect whether the visitor’s device is a phone or not. If it is, Totem Scaffolding’s phone number is loaded into the device’s dialler so it is as easy as possible for the visitor to make the call. If the device has no dialler, then the visitor is directed to the contact page. This was a feature of the previous site as well and proved useful, so it was retained.

The site includes a means of storing pages in the visitor’s browser for a length of time so that they can access the pages even if they are offline. This technique also makes the page load time very quick as, where possible, pages are loaded from browser storage rather than the server.

As with all of our projects, we went through a rigorous testing phase, checking page load speeds, appearance and functionality across a large number of browsers, operating systems and devices. Older versions of these were included in our tests so we could be confident that the site would look good and work properly on the vast majority of devices currently in use, mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop.


The client now has a new website that reflects the size and professionalism of the company.



Totem Scaffolding

Our role

Development, testing and implementation.
