Creating a new website for a business is not a straightforward task. For example, it:
- Requires detailed planning and design.
- Involves different people, each with their own availability and perspectives, such as website designers, developers, content writers – including, of course, a number of people from your organisation.
- Requires the collection, organisation and management of content/assets such as images, videos, textual content, PDF documents, etc.
- Usually requires several months to implement – progressing through various stages, needing careful planning and coordination along the way.

The benefits of web project management
In our experience, the solution to keeping the whole process under control, and ensuring we remain on track to deliver to schedule, is to adopt a website project management approach.
This is a fully flexible approach, in two ways.
First, it can be applied to all kinds of web design projects. Second, its flexibility means that, if necessary, the project plan can be adapted during a website’s development in order to cater for any changes in your situation – unexpected or otherwise.
Using a website project management approach is comparable with providing you with a map – so that you are know exactly where your website project is at any one time. It also means several other benefits for you, the client:
- The website’s development follows a clear, structured and step-by-step approach – with full transparency at all stages.
- You know what is happening at any one time – there are no surprises.
- You can see how far your website project has progressed, and what remains to be done.
- You know what inputs will be needed from you, and by when.
Our experience shows that project management is an essential feature of successful web projects, aiding communication and smoothing progress through the project life cycle.