I recently had a short promotional video made for AttractMore as I believe that there are two important advantages of using video.
Firstly, by having a video on your website it makes a much more personal statement than just using words or a static picture. Visitors can quickly get a much clearer idea of the company, its products and services by hearing from someone who works there. It also allows you to show products and explain services in an effective way that is much more likely to engage people’s interest than words alone. I believe it is a great way of getting your message across to potential customers.

Secondly, by posting the video on YouTube and setting up a proper YouTube channel it is more likely that people will find your website in Google. This requires the YouTube channel to be set up properly so that it links back to your website and has the proper keywords associated with it. It is important to post a transcript of the video and to provide a proper description that contains the phrases that you expect people to use when they search for your web site.
Of course, it is essential that the video looks professional as visitors will judge the quality of your business by the quality of the video. I engaged the services of Sound Motive here in Oxford who are experienced in producing promotional videos. We took the time to create a script even though the video is only 90 seconds long. Writing a script is essential in making sure you cover exactly what you want to say in the limited time available. It is also a very good exercise in being able to state as succinctly as possible exactly what your business provides and how it operates.
The filming took most of a day. Andy, from Sound Motive was very particular about the shots and made sure that the location was prepared properly and that the sound was the best it could be. We did a lot of takes and then Andy edited it all together adding some captions and background music. I’m very pleased with the result. Take a look at the AttractMore video and let me know what you think in the comments below.
If you’d like to discuss having a video made for your website to promote your products or services, please get in touch and we can discuss how best this can be achieved.