The unreliable other - 3rd-party dependencies

Sometimes, in life, things we rely on don't work out as expected. It's the same with your website, especially with external services that your website relies on. However, there are ways of managing these 3rd-party dependencies so that they don't cause too much trouble. The external dependencies are, for example, fonts, videos, ads, reviews, analytics. The worst case scenario is that, if one of these services fails, it prevents your web pages from loading. I strongly suggest doing an audit of the external services your website uses and find ways of managing these so that if one does fail (or loads very slowly), it doesn't affect the load time of your web pages. Fast loading web pages are important to your users and important to search engines so worth getting to grips with this issue. Find out more here.
Read moreSpeedy does it. Why website speed matters

As users, we expect a lot from a decent website. We expect it to look good, be easy to navigate, give us the information we are looking for AND for it to load quickly. Waiting for a web page to load is something that nobody wants and few are prepared to tolerate. So, if your web pages don't load quickly, you're going to lose visitors. However, the position that your pages have in the Google search results will also suffer if they're slow, as they penalise poor page load performance.
Read more7 great reasons to get a new website in 2022

The start of a new year is a good time to review the effectiveness of your website. Is it still fit for purpose? Does it bring new leads? Are you making enough sales through the website? Does it still look good and make a positive impression on potential clients? Is it secure and mobile-friendly? As we all know, the internet world changes rapidly and what worked well last year may well not work so well this year. With all that in mind, this article gives you 7 solid reasons why you might want a get a new website or make some changes to your existing site.
Read moreImproving Speed, Security and Accessibility

Some simple changes to a website can significantly improve its speed, security and accessibility. This post shows results obtained from making these changes.
Read moreMobile Usage - Actions to Take

This article looks at the growing usage of mobile devices to access the internet and proposes a series of actions to be taken by businesses to improve the effectiveness of their website for these devices. This includes ways of checking if your site is mobile friendly, thoughts about page load speed, AMP pages and search engine optimisation.
Read moreWebsite Return on Investment

Many website owners know their site is not bringing in the business it should but they’re not sure why or what to do about it. They’re unwilling to pay for a new website as they may just end up in the same situation. A useful step to take in these circumstances is to commission a website review which will examine all aspects of the site. Our independent website reviews provide a prioritised list of actions that a business can take to improve its website so as to bring in more business and achieve the desired return on investment.
Read morePhotos and Faster Page Load Times

Uploaded photos are one of the main causes of slow web pages and this post looks into this issue and gives some suggestions about how to handle it effectively to give faster page load times.
Read moreWeb Page Speed

In this post I want to touch on some factors which influence web page speed i.e. how quickly a web page appears on your screen. Clearly this is important for visitors to your site who don’t want to be kept waiting while the page loads. However, it’s also important because Google uses page load speed as one of the factors that determine where the page is placed in the search results.
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