Improving Website Security with Encryption

Keeping websites safe

This blog post discusses website security in particular the increasing need to move to secure connections between server and devices used to access websites to combat hacking. The benefits of encryption are mentioned and the move to HTTPS is strongly recommended.

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Website Risk Management

Managing the risks of having a business website

Website risk management is not a topic that receives a great deal of attention but in this article I’d like to talk about one particular aspect of the subject and emphasise the need for ongoing support and maintenance of business websites.

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An Appeal about Passwords

Strong passwords make the internet safer

As everyone knows, there is a lot of attempted fraud on the internet and there are people who would like to use your userid and password to access the services you use. Why do they do this? It may be that they can get financial information, e.g. credit card details, which they can take advantage of or, they may just want to use your email address to send SPAM messages to others. The first of these can obviously lead to your finances being compromised (usually quantifiable) and the second results in reputational damage, both personal and affecting your business (unquantifiable). Neither of these outcomes are, in any way, desirable. However, there are simple actions you can take to protect yourself.

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